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Picasso and his Lino Prints

I have been researching Lino Print artists as I plan to do some Lino Prints as part of this unit. Through this research I discovered that Pablo Picasso did Lino Prints something which I did not know before and I have to say that I like them as they are really bold and colourful.

I have been reading that he did them around 1948 to 1963. Previously he had been using lithography and etching printing processes. At first when he tried this method of printing he found it quite time consuming as you have to cut separate linos for each colour however, he discovered the reduction printing process and this proved to be something that he particularly enjoyed doing. He would print the Lino starting off with the lightest colour first cutting the next layer working up his colours to eventually working to the darker colours.

This process would require him to be able to foresee how each layer would look and then the outcome of the final image and that would have required good planning and a good imagination.

I like the bold compositions he creates using this method and there is a sense of freedom in his cuts. He manages to instil his style of abstraction of form into these prints and a boldness of colour which I think creates great visual impact.

PABLO PICASSO (1881–1973) Buste de Femme au Chapeau linocut in colours, 1962

Pablo Picasso, (1962)

Still Life Under The Lamp


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